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Is There a Definitive Treatment for Prostate Cancer?

Is There a Cure for Prostate Cancer?

Yes, it is possible to treat prostate cancer. After the diagnosis of prostate cancer, the stage of the disease will be determined after some examination and imaging procedures. According to the staging result, it will be defined as being limited to the organ or exceeding the organ, that is, it has spread to distant organs.

Prostate Cancer Finding?

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that is usually diagnosed without causing any symptoms or complaints. However, in advanced stages and spread to the body, prostate cancer may cause patients to apply to the hospital with unpleasant pictures such as bleeding in the urine, inability to urinate, kidney failure due to obstructive condition, widespread bone pains and general condition disorder.

Prostate Cancer Early Stage

The fact that prostate cancer generally does not cause any complaints in the early stages has led to an increase in the importance of screening tests and intermittent examination controls. Internationally accepted guidelines emphasize the importance of digital examination and blood PSA testing from the age of 2 in familial BRCA40 genetic mutation carriers, from the age of 45 in those with a history of prostate cancer, and from the age of 50 in the general population.

After these screening tests, patients with suspicion can undergo further examinations such as MRI or prostate biopsy directly. After these examinations, the stage of the disease is investigated in order to decide how to treat prostate cancer when it is diagnosed. After these examinations, the disease is grouped as organ-confined and non-organ-confined.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

In the treatment of organ-confined prostate cancer, an operation based on the principle of removing the prostate gland and its appendages will be performed, if appropriate, by evaluating the patient's additional diseases, age, general condition and anesthesia risks. It can be decided to remove the lymph stations that are likely to spread to the prostate gland by calculating the risk of lymph involvement in the preoperative evaluation. Depending on the experience of the surgeon and the team, this surgery can be performed by open method, laparoscopically (with closed abdomen inflating) or robotically (using abdominal inflation and instruments of the robotic device).

When the operation is performed in accordance with surgical principles, patients can completely get rid of this disease. However, in advanced-stage diseases, additional treatments may sometimes be required after the operation.
If it is decided that the general condition of the patient is not suitable for the operation, treatment can also be performed with radiation therapy as an alternative to the operation.

Hormone treatments, chemotherapy, labeled radiation treatments or nuclear isotope labeled treatments can also be applied in order to stop the progression of the disease, increase the patient's comfort of life or suppress it in the disease that is not limited to the organ.