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What Causes Urinary Incontinence in Women?

While the incidence of urinary incontinence increases with age, it increases to 50% with a slight increase until the age of 30, while it remains the same between the ages of 50-70, it increases again to 70-35% after the age of 40. The rates of urinary incontinence types also change with age. While mixed and urge urinary incontinence is more common in the elderly, stress urinary incontinence is more common in the young-middle-aged group.

It has been shown that urinary incontinence is seen more or facilitating factors in women. It has been shown that stress urinary incontinence is more common in Caucasians. Those who have urinary incontinence problems in other women in their family have a higher risk of encountering urinary incontinence. The presence of some congenital defects in the urinary canals and urinary bladder are other factors that increase the probability of some neurological diseases. Previous trauma affecting the nervous system and degenerative diseases (such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease) that cause deterioration in the neurological axis can also cause urinary incontinence.

Aging causes decreased capacity in the bladder and changes in the pelvic floor, as well as age-related cognitive disorders, dementia, and urinary incontinence. Diabetes error, heart failure, movement and ability restrictions, chronic constipation that increases intra-abdominal pressure, chronic cough due to lung disease or smoking can also cause urinary incontinence. In addition, the antiestrogenic effect of cigarettes is associated with urinary incontinence.

Dementia has a negative effect on the conscious control of urination, preventing timely access to the toilet in physical problems. Some drugs can cause direct or indirect urinary incontinence with their side effects.

Those with urinary incontinence during pregnancy are prone to develop urinary incontinence later in life. Vaginal birth, incision at birth (episiotomy), instrumental birth increase the risk compared to cesarean section, high birth weight increases the risk of urinary incontinence. Having 4 or more births also increases the risk of urinary incontinence.

Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) may cause bladder insensitivity, while more radical pelvic surgeries may cause urinary incontinence with deterioration of the pelvic floor muscles. Organ prolapses may mask urinary incontinence, and urinary incontinence may occur after surgical repair.